Save Time & Money With one plan

Solves Data
Management Problems

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Rota Features That
Make The Difference

Our company can assist you with any aspect of membership management

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Technology partner for homecare

All-in-one mobile and desktop software for managing care delivery & rostering

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Your Technology Partner

  • Rostering

    Build, replicate and edit rotas with ease while having quick-access to the insights you need to make decisions fast.

  • eMar & Carer Tools

    Improved care planning and delivery, and reduced risk of mistakes with easy to use eMARs, tasks & alerts.

Our Solutions

In a life and death situation its the seconds that count. Our memberplanner is designed to allow you to respond quickly to any issue and record what you did every step of the way.


With our identity & biometric card solution, you access the most secured ID card packed with technology. ID Cards are a form of identification that recognizes and analyzes an individual.


Each task completed on site is sent straight back to the office for checking and auditing allowing for real time communication between staff which makes the job seemless.


We offer a variety of solutions on how report is viewed, Some people like lists, others like graphs. No matter your taste memberplanner will allow you to view the rota however you like.


You can link requirements to clients and then check staff have those requirements making sure the right person attends the member using the platform.


Each person has their own profile page and from there you can access any single piece of vital information you have on them which might require an immediate response.


Text messages are a massive company expense. With our free push messaging you can message staff anywhere and they can message you back saving your company money.

Choose your plan

Pick the best plan that meets your business needs. A free trial is available to help you with the decision-making.

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