Features Overview

Features That Make The Difference

Keep track of all your members for the day by using our rota page to view all current services, view calls weeks in advance. You can amend these calls as required by selecting the call needed to be changed, view conflicts or add a single service here too. We can offer advice and comprehensive solutions. Here is a small sample of the rotas features:

  • • One click to rota all staff & all clients

  • • Biometric ID Card

  • • Simple conflict manager

  • • Many different views

  • • Bulk actions to sort all or one call at a time

  • • Colour coded calls for quick glance checking

  • • Medication and signatures can be linked to calls

  • • Our system also allows you to do on call and shadow rota

Portal Features

Save time by inputting your staff & client details and keeping them in a safe and easy accessible area, with access to service dates and many other features on one page.


Each person has their own profile page and from there you can access any single piece of information you have on them from their profile panel to their dashboard.


An effective care planning process. Person-centred care plans meet both the social and organization needs of the people you manage.communication tools that work seamlessly like automated scheduling.


Generate and print biometric ID Cards for each profile which are a form of identification that recognizes and analyzes an individual based on their physical and behavioral traits.

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