20 years in Planning & Management

Manage Your Members
Easily and Effectively

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Does Your Planning
Need Speed?

Our company can assist you with any aspect of management solutions

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Platform that works better together

Manage People
With Ease & Effortlessly

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About Us

Memberplanner optimises the planning and management of of members of any organisation such as a company, an institution, or an association. one easy-to-use system, from scheduling through to invoicing and ID card printing.

Enabling agencies to achieve more with less; improving accuracy and quality of the management given. With MemberPlanner our customers often save days of administration time each week as well as simplifying tasks and tracking for care workers.

  • Time Management

  • Events Scheduling

  • Electronic enabled ID

  • Software & Solutions

Our Service

Enabling agencies to achieve more with less; improving accuracy and quality of the membership.


Quick and effective rostering, up to date client and carer information accessible to all and improved safeguarding with visit verification.


Improved care planning and delivery, and reduced risk of mistakes with easy to use eMARs, tasks, observations and alerts.


Keep a record of all events that occur, including complaints, compliments, Schedule alerts to appear for certain staff between chosen dates, and optionally display on members rosters.


Email, text or print all your rotas, invoices and timesheets from one place, Rotas can be quickly and easily sent to workers and service users.


Highly secure – using the same encryption as online banking Service available from any web browser without software installation or slow ‘remote desktop’ setups.


You can add tasks to your calls. Each task completed on site is sent straight back to the office for checking and auditing allowing for real time communication between staff.

We Are Different

  • Connecting

    You can add tasks to your calls. Each task completed on site is sent straight back to the office for checking and auditing allowing for real time communication between staff.

  • Auditing

    Calm and confidence in any audit, memberplaner captures, stores and compiles all the data you need for regulatory compliance.

  • Rostering

    Build, replicate and edit rotas with ease while having quick-access to the insights you need to make decisions fast.

Our Mission

Our Clients

What People Say

  • All you pay is a simple recurring monthly fee based on the number of users. Fixed monthly fee available
  • Memberplanner has different modules (Care Planning and HR, Rostering, eMAR, App, Financial, and IoT).

Process & Pricing

  • We offer 24/7 support via telephone and the built in planner Assistant to help you get the most out of your system.
  • You have access to all the tools and functionalities that planner provides from anywhere, at anytime!
  • We are constantly updating and improving all additional features are included in your monthly subscription.
  • Highly secure (same encryption as online banking) and available from any web browser without software installation.

Team Members

Business Expert

PR Manager

Senior HR Manager

Marketing Expert

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